MTTM (mean time to mitigate) is the average time it takes to mitigate from a product or system failure. This includes the full time of the outage—from the time the system or product fails to the time that it becomes mitigated.


MTTR (**mean time to recovery **or mean time to restore) is the average time it takes to recover from a product or system failure. This includes the full time of the outage—from the time the system or product fails to the time that it becomes fully operational again.

Incidents / severities

Incidents / severities is a great place to see what **severities **are the most impacted by your incidents over time.

Incidents / severities graph

Incidents / services

Incidents / services is a great place to see what **services **are the **most impacted **by your incidents over time.

Incidents / services graph

Incidents / functionalities

Incidents / functionalities is a great place to see what **functionalities **are the most impacted by your incidents over time.

Incidents / functionalities graph

Incident Cost

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