Help and Documentation
Available filters
- find: 'arg1', 'arg2'
- arg1. String
- arg2. String

- get: 'arg'
- arg. String

- smart_date: 'arg'
- arg. String

- slice: '*arg'
- arg. String
- ... As many args as you need

- flatten

- to_values: 'key'
- key is optional

- to_json

- to_iso8601

- distance_of_time_in_words: 'arg', 'precise'
- arg. String (optional)
- precise. String (optional)

- distance_of_time_in_words_to_now: 'precise'
- precise. String (optional)

- in_time_zone: 'time_zone'

See Timezones for available values
- to_table: 'table_type', 'title', 'time_zone', 'format'
- table_type is either events or action_items
- format can be ascii , markdown , html, atlassian_markdown

Global replace
- regex_replace: 'regex', 'replacement'
- regexp a ruby regular expression
- replacement a ruby regular expression

First match replace
- regex_replace_first: 'regex', 'replacement'
- regexp a ruby regular expression
- replacement a ruby regular expression

Global match remove
- regex_remove: 'regex'
- regexp a ruby regular expression

First match remove
- regex_remove_first: 'regex'
- regexp a ruby regular expression

- dasherize

- parameterize
- separator (default to '-')

- camelize

- titleize

- singularize

- pluralize

- humanize

- shuffle

- shortener