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Alert Urgency


Learn how to configure alert urgencies.


Alert urgency refers to the level of immediacy with which an alert needs to be addressed, based on the potential impact and severity of the underlying issue it represents. Setting up alert urgency ensures that the most critical issues are prioritized and addressed promptly, reducing downtime and minimizing the impact on operations.

Configuring Alert Urgency Definitions

Step 1: Configuring Alert Urgency Definitions (required) To create a new alert urgency definition in the web app:

  1. Navigate to Alerts--> Urgency Tab and click + New Alert Urgency.
    1. Rootly will have defaults for High, Medium, and Low but you can edit these, delete them, and/or create new alert urgency definitions
  2. Enter a Name (required) and a Description (required).
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Step 2: Configure Alert Urgency on Heartbeats (recommended)

  • Navigate to On-Call --> Heartbeats
  • Edit existing Heartbeat or + New Heartbeat
  • Set desired Alert Urgency for Heartbeat
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Step 3: Configure Alert Urgency on Live Call Routing (required)

  • Navigate to On-Call --> Live Call Routing
  • Edit existing Routing Number or + New Routing Number
  • Navigate to Routing Rules tab and set desired Alert Urgency
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Step 3: Configure Alert Urgency on Alert Sources (required)

  • Naviagte to Alert Sources and select the Alert Source you want to configure Alert Urgency on then navigate to the Configure tab.
    • Note: By default all Alert Sources will default to High urgency.
  • Next you will add any desired conditions by clicking + Add Condition
    • When adding conditions you can choose a field from your alert payload to set conditions based off of.
      • Datadog Example
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Step 3: Configuring Escalation Paths for Alert Urgency (recommended) The most common use case here is for when you want High Urgency alerts to always wake up on-call personnel regardless of working hours and Low Urgency alerts not to page and wake up the on-call personnel outside of working hours.

  • Next Navigate to Escalation Policies and select the escalation policy you wan to build an escalation path for.
  • Set Working Hours for your escalation policy
  • Then click + New Path
    • Set a Name for your path (required)
    • Add conditions to Use this path when by clicking + Add condition
      • Here you can set Alert Urgency, choose to have it be Within working hours or not, as well as JSON path
    • Next you'll select a Notification Type
      • You will choose between Audible Notifications and Quiet Notifications
        • For additional information on audible notifications verses quiet notifications setup please visit the On-Call Notifications documentation.
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Step 4: Configure your own personal nortifcations for Audible Notifications and Quiet Notifications (required)

  • For additional information on audible notifications verses quiet notifications setup please visit the On-Call Notifications documentation.

Updated 18 Sep 2024
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