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Rootly supports the use of the Liquid templating engine in Workflows Tasks. Liquid provides a number of useful filters which can be used to manipulate the contents of options blocks. For example, the expression {{ 'hello' | upcase }} uses the upcase filter, when inserted into an options block it will render HELLO. You can string multiple Liquid filters together, with the expression processed left-to-right.

You can find our variables on the following pages:

Incident Variables

Action Item Variables

Alert Variables

Pulse Variables 


Get the Current Date and Time in yyyymmdd Format

Expression: {{ "now" | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}

Sample result: "2018-04-24"


Get the Size of an Array and Multiply by 10

Expression: {{ .my_array | size | times: 10 }}

Sample result: 50


Full List of Available Filters

Available filters