Step 1

In the top-left corner, click the drop-down by your organization name and go to Organization Settings.


Step 2

Select Members > + Invite Member


Step 3

Enter the email or emails of the users you’d like to add. Add multiple emails simultaneously by separating the addresses by comma, line, or space.

Set a role for these users or select “None”. Users will be assigned the default role in Organizational Settings if no role is set.


Step 4

Click Invite.

Sign up

Users will receive an email asking them to join the organization’s Rootly account. Accepting the invite will bring them to the sign-up page:

Users can complete sign-up with Google, Slack, SSO, or by creating a password.  Passwords must have at least 10 characters and include:

  • one lowercase letter

  • one uppercase letter

  • one digit

  • one special character