
Incident causes allows you to track the root cause of incidents. This is particularly helpful with identifying trends so you can prioritize areas for post-incident improvement.

Field Type

Incident causes Severity is strictly a multi-select field type. This means you’ll be able to select multiple cause values for a single incident.


Incident causes can be configured with the following attributes. Each cause attribute can be referenced via Liquid syntax.

Since the incident cause field is a multi-select field type, the Liquid reference will follow an array syntax. Where i references the specific cause object in the list of environments.

{{incident.raw\_causes\[i\] | get: '<attribute>'}}


This is the unique identifier of the environment. This field cannot be customized. Rootly will auto assign the ID upon creation. It is typically used in Liquid references and API calls.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the incident causes ID(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.cause\_ids }}


{{ incident.raw\_causes | get: 'id'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw\_causes\[i\] | get: 'id' }} for multi-select field type


This is the value that is displayed on the UI for the incident causes. This field is customizable.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the incident causes name(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.causes }}


{{ incident.raw\_causes | get: 'name'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw\_causes\[i\] | get: 'name' }} for multi-select field type


This is the string that is used to reference the incident causes in Liquid references. This field is auto generated by lower-casing and hyphenating the incident causes name.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the incident causes slug(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.cause\_slugs }}


{{ incident.raw\_causes | get: 'slug'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw\_causes\[i\] | get: 'slug' }} for multi-select field type


This value is displayed on the UI to further explain each incident cause. This field is customizable.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the incident causes description(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.raw\_causes | get: 'description'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw\_causes\[i\] | get: 'description' }} for multi-select field type


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact support@rootly.com or start a chat by navigating to Help > Chat with Us.

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