Configuring Teams
To add a new team, navigate to Configuration --> Teams --> Add New Team or Import Teams

Give your new team a name and description to easily identify the team on any forms and relevant incidents. Set the team color if desired using the color palette.
Click Save to create your new team.
You are able to migrate your existing PagerDuty and OpsGenie teams into Rootly with our native integrations. Read the instructions here.
In your Configuration > Teams section, select the Edit button for the Team you want to configure.
The Members tab is where you can add and manage the members of your team. Team Members are granted additional permissions on top of their Rootly User Roles, which allow them to view the Schedules and Escalation Policies for their teams. Team Admins are also able to edit the Schedules and Escalation Policies.
Add new team members by:
- Selecting 'Add Member' and searching for the Rootly User.
- [Optional] You can assign this individual an Incident Role: this team member will be automatically assigned this Incident Role anytime an incident is created and assigned to this team.
Once your team members are added, assign a team admin in the Team Admin field.
Note: Only existing team members can be assigned the team admin role. Make sure to first assign the entire team, including managers and admins, as members of the Rootly Team first.
If your team members or admin's user permissions conflict with their team role's permissions, we will give them the greater of the two: for example, a Rootly user who does not have global read access to Schedules will be able to view their team's Schedules.
The On-Call section of each Team allows you to configure how each team will be paged.
- Set if the team should be able to receive alerts via email. Anytime an email is sent to this email address, Rootly will trigger an alert for this team.
- View the owned Schedules and Escalation Policies for the team.
- Owned Schedules and Escalation Policies can be configured when editing the Schedule or Escalation Policy: the field in the Teams view will display any existing owned Schedules and Escalation Policies.
- All owned Schedules can be viewed and edited by team members and admins, respectively. We recommend assigning any Schedules to the team that the team's members are on-call responders on.
- All owned Escalation Policies can be viewed and edited by team members and admins, respectively. These Escalation Policies will trigger when the team is paged.
Use Data Fields to map Slack Channels, User Groups, and email addresses to the team. These fields can be used to build out advanced logic in Rootly's workflow builder.
The Integrations tab allows you to map any PagerDuty or OpsGenie teams and services to your Rootly team.