GitHub Integration allows you to:
- Fetch recent GitHub commits through Genius Workflows
- Create and update GitHub issue when creating an incident or an action item
- Track pulses events ( Pushes, PR and deployments )
You can setup this integration as a logged in admin user in the integrations page:
We recommend you integrating with a service account to make sure the integration doesn't break if a user leaves your company.
- Read access to checks, code, deployments, metadata, and pull requests
- Read and write access to issues
You can configure which repositories rootly can read using the following link (replace your organization accordingly )
Now a new task is available in your Genius workflows:
Rootly will automatically add the following GitHub events as pulses:
- Push to any repositories
- Merged pull requests
- More to come...
GitHub secret scanning protects users by searching repositories for known types of secrets. By identifying and flagging these secrets, our scans help prevent data leaks and fraud.
GitHub partnered with Rootly to scan for our tokens and help secure our mutual users on public repositories. Rootly tokens allow users to authenticate against our API to create incidents programmatically for example. GitHub will forward access tokens found in public repositories to Rootly who will notify workspace owners and let them revoke tokens within few seconds.
GitHub Advanced Security customers can also scan for Rootly tokens and block them from entering their private and public repositories with push protection.
You can uninstall this integration in the integrations panel by clicking Configure > Delete
If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact [email protected] or use the lower right chat widget to get connected with an engineer.