Kubernetes Integration can automatically watch the following Kubernetes events and create pulses:
- deployment
- replicationcontroller
- replicaset
- daemonset
- services
- pod
- job
- node
- clusterrole
- serviceaccount
- persistentvolume
- namespace
- secret
- configmap
- ingress
For more information, see: https://github.com/robusta-dev/kubewatch
You can setup this integration as a logged in admin user in the integrations page:

An example ConfigMap is available at: https://github.com/robusta-dev/kubewatch/blob/master/examples/conf/kubewatch.conf.webhook.yaml
You only need the webhook handler to integrate with Rootly.
Webhook url will be displayed and need to be replaced after your create this integration
If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact [email protected] or use the lower right chat widget to get connected with an engineer.