
Airtable Integration allows you to:

  • Creating an incident in Rootly will create a record in a Airtable table of your choice if you choose to.


You can setup this integration as a logged in admin user in the integrations page:

Create an Oauth Application at https://airtable.com/create/oauth

With as callback url: https://rootly.com/auth/airtable/callback


Check the following scopes:


Copy your client_id and client_secret into rootly

Fields mapping

You can configure column mapping using our custom variables Incident Variables.

  "Name": "{{incident.title}}",
  "Notes": "{{incident.summary}}",
  "Started At": "{{incident.started_at | date: '%FT%T%:z' }}",
  "Link": "{{incident.url}}"


You can uninstall this integration in the integrations panel by clicking Configure > Delete


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact support@rootly.com or use the lower right chat widget to get connected with an engineer.

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