

For a more seamless and deeper integration consider using Rootly On-call. See how Rootly On-Call compares to Opsgenie.


Opsgenie Integration allows you to:

  • Import Opsgenie services into Rootly Services.
  • Create a Rootly alert when creating an incident in Opsgenie.
  • Create a Opsgenie incident when creating an incident in Rootly.
  • Resolve a Opsgenie incident right from Rootly.
  • Page Directly from Slack ( if Slack Integration enabled ).

Note: This integration required an Opsgenie account with at least the Standard plan. https://www.atlassian.com/software/opsgenie/pricing


You can setup this integration as a logged in admin user in the integrations page:

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We recommend you integrating with a service account to make sure the integration doesn't break if a user leaves your company.

Import or link services

You can import your current Opsgenie services or link existing services with Opsgenie services from the services page.

Every time and incident will be created with a service linked to Opsgenie, the team associated with this service in Opsgenie will be paged.

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Log into your Opsgenie account then navigate to Settings > Integrations > New Integration

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Select the API integration tile

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Access Rights needs to be: Read, Create and Update, Configuration Access Note: The API Key would need to be a Global key and can not be scoped to a Team.

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Copy the API integration key back into Rootly

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Let's now configure webhooks:

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Add webhook as below:

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All done !

Auto Assign On-calls to Incident Roles

If you'd like to automatically assign on-calls of a given Opsgenie Schedule to an Incident Role (e.g. Commander), please follow the instructions on the PagerDuty integration page.

Paging Automatically via Genius Workflows

Set up automated workflows to page various on-call schedules and escalation policies based on the condition of an incident (e.g SEV1 or greater pages Infrastructure).


You can page Opsgenie teams right from Slack using our integration.

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If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact [email protected] or use the lower right chat widget to get connected with an engineer.