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Creating Incidents via Web UI


A simple way to create an incident is through the web UI. Creating incidents through the web UI does not require any additional integrations to work.

To create an incident through the web UI, do the following:

Towards the upper-right side of any screen in Rootly, locate the Create Incident button and click it.

Create incident button
Create incident button

You will be presented with the New Incident Details dialog, where you can begin to add details. At a minimum, you will need to input a title for the incident. If you don't know the rest of the information, you can always create the incident and come back to edit it after the fact to add more details.

Once you are done filling in the details, click Create Incident.

New incident details dialog
New incident details dialog

You will be taken to a screen with all of the current details of the incident.

Incident details screen
Incident details screen