Incident Roles
Incident roles determine to which roles team members are added when an incident occurs that is assigned to a given team. This helps to avoid manual intervention or confusion in the middle of an incident, and automated the process of assigning roles.
When a team is attached to an incident, the named team member will be automatically assigned to the chosen role.
To add a new team role, do the following:
Navigate to Configuration --> Incident Roles --> Create Role Fill in desired fields: - Name (required) - Description (optional) - Responsibilites (optional): Add a responsiabilities message to send to user when they are assigned the role. - Ability to make the role optional or not - Ability to allow multiple users to be assigned to a role Once desired fields are completed click Create Role in the bottom right hand corner.

Once the new role is created, go back into edit it to Add Default Tasks. Adding a default task will automatically assign the task to the user when they are assigned the role during an incident.

Once the new incident role and default tasks have been added, the next step is to navigate back to your Team(s) and edit desired team. Once back under desired team, naviagte to Members tab to add team members and set desired incident roles then click Create.

Additionally, you can automatically assign roles based on who is on-call for a schedule, team or escalation policy. This will automatically add that user to the incident channel if they are actively on-call and associated/assigned with a role. To automatically page them you can create a Workflows and set the Conditions to match your specific teams.