Incident Summarization
Generate incident summaries instantly with Rootly AI. Using historical incidents, our advanced AI models will detect key similarities. We’ll tell you how it was resolved in the past, suggest the best next steps, and optionally invite previous responders to help. You can do this whether you're on the web or on Slack by using the commands/rootly summary or /rootly update.
Via web in an incident: click the genius pen

Via Slack in an incident channel: run the /rootly summary or /rootly update command and select the ‘Generate with AI’ button

Note: Incident title generation is not available in private incidents.
Generated incident titles by Rootly AI are available for all customers. To enable, head to Rootly AI > Enable Rootly AI and opt in to Rootly AI capabilities. Note that only Admins can enable Rootly AI.
To ensure the best results, 'Slack channel message visibility' is set to 'All messages' by default. You can change this at any time.