



Rootly's Notion integration leverages workflows to automatically generate and update Notion docs ?? and their permissions ?? If you are unfamiliar with how Workflows function please visit our Workflows documentation first.

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Available Workflow Actions

Create a Notion Doc

This action allows you to create an incident retrospective into a Notion doc.

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This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.


This field allows you to select which drive your Google Drive to create the retrospective in. Leave this empty if you want to create it in your My Drive. If you are to create it in a shared drive, ensure that the account you used to integrate Google Docs has access to this drive.

Parent Folder

This field allows you to select a folder in your Google Drive in which your Google Doc will be created into. If you don't specify a folder, we will use the folder path specified in the Title field.


This field allows you to define the title of the retrospective document. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.

If you wish to dynamically create folders to nest your document in, you can do so by separating each folder with a /. For example, if you enter the following text as the title:

{{ incident.created_at | date: '%Y' }}/{{ incident.created_at | date: '%B' }}/{{ incident.title }}

The storage path will be:

[Folder] year of incident creation > [Folder] month of incident creation > [Doc] Incident Title

Custom Retrospective Template

This field allows you to define the body content of the retrospective. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.

It is not recommended to use this field to template your retrospective.

Retrospective Template

This field allows you to use a predefined retrospective template to create the body content of the retrospective. The list of selectable templates can be defined in the Retrospective Templates page.

It is recommended that you use this to template your retrospective.

If a template is selected in this field, the content defined in the Custom Retrospective Template field will be overridden.

Mark Post Mortem as Published

This field allows you to define the status of the retrospective. A retrospective can be in either a draft or published status. This is typically used if you have automated notification workflows that are only triggered when the retrospective status is published.

Google Doc Template ID

This field allows you to select a predefined template from your Google Drive. Please see Setting Up Retro Templates in Google Doc to learn how to set up a retrospective template in Google Doc.

Use this method of templatizing for a fully custom retrospective.

If a template is selected in this field, the content defined in the Custom Retrospective Template field and Retrospective Template field will be overridden.

Define Sharing Permissions

You can customize permissions like shown below:


Update a Google Doc

This action allows you to update an existing Google Doc.

Please note that this workflow action will overwrite the existing retrospective document. If you have already made manual edits directly through Google Docs, those edits will be lost.

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This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.


This field allows you to specify the id of the document in your Google Drive that you want to update. The default is set to {{ incident.google_drive_id }}. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.


This field allows you to update the title of the Google Doc. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.

Custom Retrospective Template

This field allows you to update the body content of the Google Doc. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.

Retrospective Template

This field allows you to use a predefined retrospective template to update the body content of the Google Doc.

If a template is selected in this field, the content defined in the Custom Retrospective Template field will be overridden.

Google Doc Template ID

This field allows you to select a predefined template from your Google Drive to update the body content of your Google Doc.

If a template is selected in this field, the content defined in the Custom Retrospective Template field and Retrospective Template field will be overridden.

Create Google Doc Permissions

This action allows you to grant users the necessary permissions to the retrospective document.

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This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.


This field allows you to specify the id of the file in your Google Drive that you want to create permissions for. The default is set to {{ incident.google_drive_id }}. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.

Define Sharing Permissions

You can customize permissions like shown below:


Send Email Notification

You can optionally notify the users who are granted permission by email.

Email Message

You can optionally provide a message to be sent with the email notification. The message will be sent only if the Send Email Notification box is checked.

Remove Google Doc Permissions

This action allows you to revoke existing user permissions to a retrospective document.

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This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.


This filed allows you to specify the id of the file in your Google Drive that you want to revoke permissions from. The default is set to {{ incident.google_drive_id }}. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.

Attribute to Query By

This field allows you to select an attribute by which you want to revoke permissions for. There are three options:

  1. Type: Can be User , Group or Domain.
  2. Role: Can be Owner, Viewer, Editor, Writer, Commenter, or None.
  3. Email Address (default): The email address of the user from whom you want to revoke permissions.
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This field allows you to specify the value of the attribute that was selected in the previous field, Attribute to Query By. Liquid syntax is supported in this field.

Example 1:

  • If,
    • Attribute to Query By = Role
    • Value = Writer
  • Then,
    • Every user with the Writer role will have their permissions revoked

Example 2:

This is the most common use case for revoking permissions.

  • If,
    • Attribute to Query By = Email Address
    • Value = {{ }}
  • Then,
    • Every user that have been unsubscribed to the incident will have their permissions revoked


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact [email protected] or start a chat by navigating to Help > Chat with Us.

Updated 12 Sep 2024
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