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Incident Configuration




Team lets you assign incidents to their responsible teams. Incidents relating to the product should go to the Product team, while security incidents is best handled by the InfoSec team.

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Field Type

Team can be customized to be either a select or multi-select field type. This means you can configure it to allow only one team value to be selected per incident or allow multiple team values to be selected for a single incident.

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Team can be configured with the following attributes. Each team attribute can be referenced via Liquid syntax.

Team originally was called group. Hence all data values you see references groups. Due to the risk of changing data values, we have elected to keep referencing teams as groups from a data point of view.

From a UI display point of view, you will see the term "teams" being used.

Since the team field can be either a select or multi-select field type, the Liquid syntax to reference each field type will differ.

Select will follow a single-value syntax

{{incident.raw_groups | get: '<attribute>'}}

Multi-select will follow an array syntax. Where i references the specific team object in the list of teams.

{{incident.raw_groups[i] | get: '<attribute>'}}


This is the unique identifier of the team. This field cannot be customized. Rootly will auto assign the ID upon creation. It is typically used in Liquid references and API calls.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team ID(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.group_ids }}


{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'id'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'id' }} for multi-select field type


This is the value that is displayed on the UI for the team. This field is customizable.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team name(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.groups }}


{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'name'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'name' }} for multi-select field type


This is the string that is used to reference the team in Liquid references. This field is auto generated by lower-casing and hyphenating the team name.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team slug(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.group_slugs }}


{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'slug'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'slug' }} for multi-select field type


This value is displayed on the UI to further explain each team. This field is customizable.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team description(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'description'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'description' }} for multi-select field type


Each team can be assigned a color, which will be used for color-coding on metrics graphs.

Rootly uses color-hex codes. E.g. #000000 is black, #ffffff is white. Use this page to help you find the exact hex code for the color you want.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team color(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'color'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'color' }} for multi-select field type

Slack Channels

Each team can be linked to one or more Slack channels. By default, Rootly does not notify the linked channel(s) when a team is selected for an incident. Notification needs to be explicitly called out as Attached Teams Channels in workflow configurations.

Systematically, each Slack channel is stored as an object containing an id and name.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team Slack Channel(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'slack_channels'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'slack_channels' }} for multi-select field type

Slack Aliases

Each team can be linked to one or more Slack user groups (aka aliases). By default, Rootly does not invite users in the linked user group(s) when a team is selected for an incident. Invitations need to be explicitly called out as Attached Teams Aliases in workflow configurations.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team Slack Alias(es) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'slack_aliases'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'slack_aliases' }} for multi-select field type

Notify Emails

Each team can be linked to one or more emails. By default, Rootly does not send emails to the linked address(es) when a team is selected for an incident. Notification needs to be explicitly called out as {{ incident.raw_groups | map: 'notify_emails' | flatten | join: ',' }} in workflow configurations.

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the team Notify Email(s) that are selected for an incident:

{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'notify_emails'}}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[i] | get: 'notify_emails' }} for multi-select field type

Import Teams

Instead of creating teams from scratch, Rootly allows you to import teams from PagerDuty, Opsgenie, VictorOps, or PagerTree. Imported teams will be automatically kept in sync on a daily basis.

The ability to import teams will only become available once you have PagerDuty, Opsgenie, VictorOps, or PagerTree installed on the integrations page .

The following Liquid syntax will allow you to list out the corresponding ids from each of the external paging applications:


{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'pagerduty_id' }}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[0] | get: 'pagerduty_id' }}for multi-select field type


{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'opsgenie_id' }}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[0] | get: 'opsgenie_id' }}for multi-select field type


{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'victor_ops_id' }}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[0] | get: 'victor_ops_id' }}for multi-select field type


{{ incident.raw_groups | get: 'pagertree_id' }}for select field type

{{ incident.raw_groups[0] | get: 'pagertree_id' }}for multi-select field type


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact [email protected] or start a chat by navigating to Help > Chat with Us.

Updated 04 Sep 2024
Doc contributor
Doc contributor
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