
GoToMeeting Integration allows you to:

  • Create or join a GoToMeeting meeting associated to an incident.
  • Get GoToMeeting link into your Slack notification.


You can setup this integration as a logged in admin user in the integrations page:

We recommend you integrating with a service account to make sure the integration doesn’t break if a user leaves your company.

Create an Oauth app

Create an OAuth app through https://developer.goto.com/

Redirect URI to configure is: https://rootly.com/auth/go\_to\_meeting/callback.

Permission required are GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar or GoToTraining

Now copy the client_id and client_secret in Rootly Integration page.

Join a meeting

Create or join a GoToMeeting meeting is now just one click away ! Click on a incident and you should now see Create a GoToMeeting meeting in the header and Slack incident.


  1. Login to your GoToMeeting account
  2. Click the Rootly app.
  3. Click Uninstall.


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact support@rootly.com or use the lower right chat widget to get connected with an engineer.

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