Dropbox Paper
Installing Dropbox Paper on Rootly
We recommend you perform the installation with a service account to ensure the integration doesn’t break, should the installing user leave the company.
Ensure that you are logged in as an Admin user in Rootly.
Locate Dropbox Paper on the Integrations catalog and select Setup
- Dropbox Paper can be integrated with non-admin level access in Dropbox. You will only have access to your own personal folders.
- Dropbox Paper Business can only be integrated with admin level access in Dropbox. You will be able to access team folders.
You’ll be prompted to grant Rootly permission to integrate with your Dropbox Paper account. Once confirmed, the installation is considered complete!
If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact support@rootly.com or start a chat by navigating to Help > Chat with Us.
You can uninstall this integration in the integrations panel by clicking Configure > Delete
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