Installing a Generic Webook Alert Source

Locate the generic webhook alert source by searching or scrolling on the new alert source page.

You’ll be prompted name your source.

Follow the instructions present on the Generic webhook creation page to complete setup.

Note on setting the team, escalation policy or service

There are several options for specifying how an alert can be associated with a service, escalation policy or team.

Using the webhook URL

This is the most simple option, allowing for a single service, team or escalation policy to be associated with an alert.

  1. Set the type and id in the webhook url following the default instructions in ‘Step 1’ to indicate on a per webhook basis what type (service, group (team) or escalationPolicy) and the correct id of service, team or escalation policy.
  2. Set the required field ‘notification name’ in Step 2.
  3. Click ‘save’ then ‘I finished this step’ buttons

Note: if type and id are set in the url of Step 1, indicating the type and id can be skipped in Step 2.

Using the response payload

Alternately, the type and id can best set after the call is made, by parsing the response payload from your observability provider. This is a more flexible option allowing multiple types and id’s to be set with a single webhook but requires modification of the observability providers payload.

  1. Follow Step 1 instructions, but do not include the type and id in the webhook url (
  2. In your observability provider, update the response payload to include the type (service, group (team) or escalationPolicy) and id (found on each respective objects rootly index page).
    1. Example: {... type: service, type: <service_id>}
  3. In Rootly, set the required field ‘notification name’ in Step 2.
  4. Parse the type and id using jsonpath syntax as indicated in Step 2.
  5. Click ‘save’ then ‘I finished this step’ buttons.


Send a test alert from your observability provider and confirm the connection works and that the payload contains the information you would expect.


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact or start a chat by navigating to Help > Chat with Us.

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