
Our Google Meet integration leverages workflows to automatically schedule Google Calendar events. If you are unfamiliar with how Workflows function please visit our Workflows documentation first.

Available Workflow Actions

Create a Google Calendar Event

This action allows you to schedule a Google Meet meeting on Google Calendar.


This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.


This field allows you to define the title of the Google Calendar event. The default value is {{ incident.title }} to match the title of your incident. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.


This field allows you to define a description for the Google Calendar event. You can use {{ incident.summary }} to match the summary of your incident. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.


This field allows you to provide the email addresses of the attendees to your Google Calendar event. You can also provide the attendees’ email addresses from the incident by selecting on the of the dropdown values.

Conference Type

This field allows you to select a conference type to attach a video meeting to your Google Calendar event using the selected option. Ensure that you select Hangout.

Time Zone

This field allows you to select a timezone for scheduling your Google Calendar event.

Days Until Meeting

This field allows you to specify the date of the Google Calendar event by providing the number of days left until the event.

Meeting Duration

This field allows you to define the duration of your Google Calendar event. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.

Time of Meeting

This field allows you to specify the start time of your Google Calendar event. Make sure you have selected the right timezone in the Time Zone field.

Slack Channels

This field is a dropdown that allows you to select one or more Slack channels from your Slack Workspace. If provided, the output will be sent to the Slack channel(s). You can use {{ incident.slack_channel_id }} or {{ parent\_incident.slack_channel_id }} to notify your incident channel or the parent incident channel, respectively.

Update a Google Calendar Event

This action allows you to update an existing Google Calendar event. This action will only update fields that you specify. Unspecified fields will keep existing values.


This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.


This field allows you to specify the Google Calendar Event ID of the event you want to update. The default is set to {{ incident.google_calendar_event_id }} to match the event ID of your incident. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.


This field allows you to define the title of the Google Calendar event. You can use {{ incident.title }} to match the title of your incident. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.


This field allows you to define a description for the Google Calendar event. You can use {{ incident.summary }} to match the summary of your incident. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.

Conference Type

This field allows you to select a conference type to attach a video meeting to your Google Calendar event using the selected option.


This field allows you to provide the email address of the attendees to your Google Calendar event. You can also get the attendees’ email addresses from the incident by selecting on the of the dropdown values. This field will only overwrite the previous list of attendees of the event if the Replace attendees box is checked.


This field is a dropdown that allows you to specify the type of date-and-time adjustment you want to perform on your Google Calendar event, if any.

Adjustment Days

This field is a dropdown that allows you to specify the number of days by which you want to adjust your Google Calendar event, if any.

Meeting Duration

This field allows you to define the duration of your Google Calendar event. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.

Time of Meeting

This field allows you to specify the start time of your Google Calendar event. Make sure you have selected the right timezone in the Time Zone field.

Slack Channels

This field is a dropdown that allows you to select one or more Slack channels from your Slack Workspace. If provided, the output will be sent to the Slack channel(s). You can use {{ incident.slack_channel_id }} or {{ parent_incident.slack_channel_id }} to notify your incident channel or the parent incident channel, respectively.


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact support@rootly.com or start a chat by navigating to Help > Chat with Us.

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