
Our Webex integration leverages workflows to automatically create a Webex Meeting link for an incident. If you are unfamiliar with how Workflows function please visit our Workflows documentation first.

Available Workflow Actions

Create a Webex Meeting

This action allows you to create a Webex Meeting link for a specific incident.

Rootly’s incident data architecture enforces 1 incident per Webex Meeting link.


This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.

Meeting Name

This field allows you to set the Webex meeting’s title. The default is set to {{ incident.title }} to match the title of your incident. This field supports Liquid syntax.

TIP: You can use the Incident Variable Explorer to test out what value each liquid variable returns.


This field allows you to set the Webex meeting’s password. We recommend leaving this field empty so we generate a secure password for you.

Slack Channels

This field is a dropdown that allows you to select one or more Slack channels from your Slack Workspace. If provided, the output will be sent to the Slack channel(s). You can use {{ incident.slack_channel_id }} or {{ parent_incident.slack_channel_id }} to notify your incident channel or the parent incident channel, respectively.


If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact support@rootly.com or start a chat by navigating to Help > Chat with Us.

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