Send Slack Blocks
Sometimes, sending a simple message just isn’t enough. This action allows you to leverage Slack’s Block Kit to send complex messages to channels, users, and user groups.
Action Attributes
This field is automatically set for you. You can rename this field to whatever best describes your action. The value in this field does not affect how the workflow action behaves.
Slack Users
Specify the Slack user(s) you wish to send the custom Slack block to.
Slack User Groups
Specify which Slack user group(s) you wish to send the custom Slack block to. All users part of the specified user group(s) will be sent the block. You can read more about Slack user groups here.
This field specifies which Slack channels to send the Slack block to.
Some common selections:
- Setting to
{{ incident.slack_channel_id }}
will send the block to the Slack channel of the triggering incident. - The Liquid snytax
{{ parent_incident.slack_channel_id }}
can be used for sub incidents and it will send the block to the Slack channel of the parent incident. - You can also send blocks to static channel (e.g.
Send as Ephemeral
If selected, your message will be sent as a hidden message visible only to the specified users.
A value must be set for the Slack Users
or Slack User Groups
and Channels
when this field is selected. Additionally, the selected users need to be in the specified channels.
Pin to Channel
If selected, your message will pinned to the specified channel(s).
Message Threading Options
If you want to thread the block under an existing block/message that Rootly has previously sent, you can do so by selecting a parent block/message to be threaded under.
Filter Tasks by Workflow
This field is used to filter for the workflow that contains the specific action responsible for sending the parent message. The value in this field will not persist once the workflow is saved, as the Select a Task
field is what ultimately determines the parent message to thread under.
Select a Task
This field is used to select the specific action that’s responsible for sending the parent block/message. This field determines which block/message is the parent block/message to thread under.
Update Parent Message
If this field is selected, the workflow will update the original parent block/message, instead of threading underneath it.
Broadcast Thread Reply to Channel
If this field is selected, the threaded block will also be broadcased as a new block in the specified channels.
Notification Preview
Content in this field will be displayed in the push notifications. This field supports Liquid variables.
The blocks field consist of the payload that will be send in Slack. Customizing this payload will allow you to build custom messaging. The payload follows the same restrictions as Slack’s block elements do. You can preview and check if your payload is valid by clicking the Preview
button. This button will route you to Slack’s Block Kit builder.
The Block Kit builter is a Slack-built application. So, it will not be able to recognize any Liquid variables that you might have referenced in your payload. You will need to use Rootly’s Incident Variable Explorer in conjunction with Slack’s Block Kit builder.
Select a Template Dropdown
You can choose any pre-built blocks from the Select a template dropdown
field. This is a great starting point to get familiarized with Slack’s Block Kit syntax.
Selecting a section will append a pre-built section to your existing payload.
Sample text block with markdown enabled
Sample image block
Selecting an action will append a pre-built action element to your existing payload. Each block option here is customizable. The action_id
field must be set to one of the following available values.
Available Rootly Actions IDs
action_id Value | Description |
toolbar_update_incident_summary | Brings up a modal for editing the incident summary |
toolbar_update_status | Brings up a modal for updating the incident status |
archive_incident | Archives the incident |
manage_incident_role_assignments_dialog | Brings up modal for updating the incident roles |
toolbar_update_incident | Brings up a modal for editing the incident’s attributes |
toolbar_available_commands | Brings up the help modal |
add_feedback | Brings up modal for adding incident feedback |
manage_form_field_selections | Brings up a modal for editing custom fields |
manage_incident_action_items | Brings up a modal for editing the incident’s action items |
todo_dialog | Brings up a modal showing action items assigned to whichever user clicked the button |
pagerduty_responders | Brings up a modal allowing users to add PagerDuty responders (If the PagerDuty integration is installed) |
opsgenie_responders | Brings up a modal allowing users to add Opsgenie responders (If the Opsgenie integration is installed) |
victor_ops_responders | Brings up a modal allowing users to add VictorOps responders (If the VictorOps integration is installed) |
snooze_reminder | Snoozes the workflow that sent this message if the workflow is a repeating workflow |
pause_reminder | Pauses the workflow that sent this message if the workflow is a repeating workflow |
restart_reminder | Restarts the workflow that sent this message if the workflow is a repeating workflow and is in a paused state |
update_status_page_dialog | Brings up modal for publishing a status page event |
trigger_custom_workflow | Runs a custom workflow. Must have an accompanying value set to indicate what workflow to run. The value is the workflow’s ‘slack command’ found in web UI under the ‘advanced settings’ tab for each workflow. |
open_custom_form | Opens a custom form. Must have an accompanying value set to indicate what form to open. This value is the slug that can be found at the top of the custom forms web UI. |
Sample Trigger Custom Workflow Action
Attach secondary content to your main message. Use this for content that adds further context or additional information but isn’t vital. Please note attachments are a legacy part of the Slack messaging functionality. You should understand that they might change in the future, in ways that reduce their visibility or utility. See Slack documentation for more details.
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