Premissions Required
You must be an Owner or Admin user in order to install Slack on your Rootly organization account.
You must also have admin rights to your Slack account.
Rootly will ask you the following Slack permissions during installation:
- app_mentions:read: View messages that directly mention @rootly in conversations that the app is in.
- chat:write + chat:write.public: So we can write a beautiful welcome message in your dedicated incident Slack channel and respond to different actions.
- files:read: So when you pin or react to a message in Slack, we can also save the file assocciated in Rootly timeline.
- files:write: So our genius workflows can upload some files (console output) directly in Slack. We will never delete files in your Slack workspace.
- reactions:read: So we can add Slack message to your incident timeline through a reaction of your choice.
- reactions:write: So we can react to your message when we successfully added it to your incident timeline.
- users.profile:read: So we can turn your Slack internal username to something more human (Firstname + Lastname)
- usergroups:read: View user groups in a workspace (Aliases so you can invite @security people directly for example).
- users:read + View email addresses of people in a workspace so you can invite them with one click. We will never invite them in your behalf
Locate Slack on on the Integrations catalogue and select Setup.

You'll be presented with the following installation page. Double check that you're installing the correct workspace (dropdown in the upper right hand corner) before you confirm the installation by selecting Allow.

You will need to be a Slack Workspace Owner to complete the setup.
If you use Slack Enterprise Grid where you have multiple Slack workspaces, your installation instructions will differ slightly. The following video will walk you through the steps to install Slack Enterprices Grid.
If you need help or more information about this integration, please contact [email protected] or use the lower right chat widget to get connected with an engineer.
You can uninstall this integration in the integrations panel by clicking Configure > Delete