- AlertEvents
- AlertGroups
- AlertUrgencies
- AlertSources
- Alerts
- Audits
- Authorizations
- CatalogEntities
- CatalogEntityProperties
- CatalogFields
- Catalogs
- Causes
- [DEPRECATED] CustomFieldOptions
- [DEPRECATED] CustomFields
- CustomForms
- DashboardPanels
- Dashboards
- Environments
- EscalationPolicies
- EscalationLevelsPolicies
- EscalationLevelsPath
- EscalationLevels
- EscalationPaths
- FormFieldOptions
- FormFieldPlacementConditions
- FormFieldPlacements
- FormFieldPositions
- FormFields
- FormSetConditions
- FormSets
- Functionalities
- WorkflowTasks
- [DEPRECATED] WorkflowCustomFieldSelections
- WorkflowFormFieldConditions
- WorkflowGroups
- WorkflowRuns
- Workflows
- Heartbeats
- IncidentActionItems
- [DEPRECATED] IncidentCustomFieldSelections
- IncidentEventFunctionalities
- IncidentEventServices
- IncidentEvents
- IncidentFeedbacks
- IncidentFormFieldSelections
- IncidentPermissionSetBooleans
- IncidentPermissionSetResources
- IncidentPermissionSets
- IncidentRetrospectives
- IncidentRetrospectiveSteps
- IncidentRoleTasks
- IncidentRoles
- IncidentStatusPageEvents
- IncidentSubStatuses
- IncidentTypes
- Incidents
- IpRanges
- LiveCallRouters
- OnCallRoles
- OnCallShadows
- OverrideShifts
- PlaybookTasks
- Playbooks
- RetrospectiveTemplates
- Pulses
- RetrospectiveConfigurations
- RetrospectiveProcessGroupSteps
- RetrospectiveProcessGroups
- RetrospectiveProcesses
- RetrospectiveSteps
- Roles
- ScheduleRotationActiveDays
- ScheduleRotationUsers
- ScheduleRotations
- Schedules
- Shifts
- Secrets
- Services
- Severities
- StatusPageTemplates
- StatusPages
- SubStatuses
- Teams
- UserNotificationRules
- Users
- WebhooksDeliveries
- WebhooksEndpoints
List Incident alerts
List incident alerts
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.rootly.com/v1/incidents/%7Bincident_id%7D/alerts?include=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bsource%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bservices%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Benvironments%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bgroups%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Blabels%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Bgt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Bgte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Blt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Blte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Bgt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Bgte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Blt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Blte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Bgt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Bgte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Blt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Blte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&page%5Bnumber%5D=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE&page%5Bsize%5D=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE' \
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"attributes": {
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"status": "open",
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"services": [
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Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Unique ID of the alert
The source of the alert
, manual
, web
, slack
, email
, workflow
, live_call_routing
, email
, pagerduty
, opsgenie
, victorops
, pagertree
, datadog
, nobl9
, zendesk
, asana
, clickup
, sentry
, rollbar
, jira
, honeycomb
, service_now
, linear
, grafana
, alertmanager
, google_cloud
, generic_webhook
, cloud_watch
, azure
, splunk
, chronosphere
, app_optics
, bug_snag
, monte_carlo
, nagios
, prtg
, catchpoint
, app_dynamics
The summary of the alert
Date of creation
Date of last update
Whether the alert is marked as noise
, not_noise
The status of the alert
, triggered
, acknowledged
, resolved
The description of the alert
Services attached to the alert
The name of the service
Date of creation
Date of last update
The slug of the service
The description of the service
The public description of the service
Emails attached to the service
The hex color of the service
Position of the service
The Backstage entity id associated to this service. eg: :namespace/:kind/:entity_name
The external id associated to this service
The PagerDuty service id associated to this service
The Opsgenie service id associated to this service
The Cortex group id associated to this service
The Service Now CI sys id associated to this service
The GitHub repository name associated to this service. eg: rootlyhq/my-service
The GitHub repository branch associated to this service. eg: main
The GitLab repository name associated to this service. eg: rootlyhq/my-service
The GitLab repository branch associated to this service. eg: main
Environments associated with this service
Services dependent on this service
Owner Teams associated with this service
Owner Users associated with this service
The alert urgency id of the service
Enable alerts through email
Email generated to send alerts to
Groups attached to the alert
The name of the team
Date of creation
Date of last update
The description of the team
Emails to attach to the team
The hex color of the team
Position of the team
The Backstage entity id associated to this team. eg: :namespace/:kind/:entity_name
The external id associated to this team
The PagerDuty group id associated to this team
The PagerDuty service id associated to this team
The Opsgenie group id associated to this team
The VictorOps group id associated to this team
The PagerTree group id associated to this team
The Cortex group id associated to this team
The Service Now CI sys id associated to this team
The user ids of the members of this team.
The user ids of the admins of this team. These users must also be present in user_ids attribute.
Enable alerts through email
Email generated to send alerts to
The alert urgency id of the team
Environments attached to the alert
The name of the environment
Date of creation
Date of last update
The slug of the environment
The description of the environment
Emails attached to the environment
The hex color of the environment
Position of the environment
External ID
External Url
The ID of the alert urgency
Additional data
The source of the alert
, manual
, web
, slack
, email
, workflow
, live_call_routing
, email
, pagerduty
, opsgenie
, victorops
, pagertree
, datadog
, nobl9
, zendesk
, asana
, clickup
, sentry
, rollbar
, jira
, honeycomb
, service_now
, linear
, grafana
, alertmanager
, google_cloud
, generic_webhook
, cloud_watch
, azure
, splunk
, chronosphere
, app_optics
, bug_snag
, monte_carlo
, nagios
, prtg
, catchpoint
, app_dynamics
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.rootly.com/v1/incidents/%7Bincident_id%7D/alerts?include=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bsource%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bservices%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Benvironments%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bgroups%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Blabels%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Bgt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Bgte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Blt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bstarted_at%5D%5Blte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Bgt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Bgte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Blt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bended_at%5D%5Blte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Bgt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Bgte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Blt%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&filter%5Bcreated_at%5D%5Blte%5D=SOME_STRING_VALUE&page%5Bnumber%5D=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE&page%5Bsize%5D=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE' \
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