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Ask Rootly AI


Got a simple question to ask? Need a summary for your customer-facing teams? Ask Rootly AI can help answer questions and a variety of prompts in an incident channel in Slack or on the web.

Via the web in an incident:

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Via Slack in an incident channel: ask @rootly questions

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Note: Ask Rootly AI is restricted to answering questions about the current incident and incident management practices.

Ask Rootly AI Questions and Prompts

General Questions

  • What happened?
  • What caused the incident?
  • Who is the commander?
  • When was the incident declared?
  • When did this incident start?

Overview of Actions taken

  • What have we tried?
  • What questions have we asked?
  • What decisions have we made so far?
  • What should I do next?
  • What are the next steps for this incident?


  • Write me a summary
  • Write me a summary to share with an executive
  • Write me some customer-facing communication summarizing the incident
  • Write me a status page update

General Help

  • What are you capable of?
  • What are examples of things you can do?


Generated incident titles by Rootly AI are available for all customers. To enable, head to Rootly AI > Enable Rootly AI and opt in to Rootly AI capabilities. Note that only Admins can enable Rootly AI.

To ensure the best results, 'Slack channel message visibility' is set to 'All messages' by default. You can change this at any time.

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